life-changing morning habits
Von Cláudia Cavaleiro
here are some expert-recommended practices to consider incorporating into your morning routine
4 minutes readhere are some expert-recommended practices to consider incorporating into your morning routine
4 minutes reada year that captured hearts and shaped jewelry collections worldwide!
@deborabrosa @thirteen.13.treze @anitadacosta @miarelogio @mafaldacastro @sarassebastiao @alicetrewinnard @driizinha @cclararamos cláudia cavaleiro the editor in chief for CINCO editorial. born in '82 in coimbra, she is graduated in philosophy from the university...
3 minutes readI'm dreaming about christmas gifts
4 minutes readcyber monday memes are a great way to laugh through the shopping frenzy
2 minutes readjoin us as we explore her inspirations, aspirations, and the essence of what it means to create pieces that resonate with the heart.
5 minutes readblack friday is a fantastic time to get discounts on big-ticket items and essentials for the year.
4 minutes readsustainability has emerged as a central theme, reshaping the way luxury brands conceptualize, create, and market their products
6 minutes readmeet the team that prepares your orders and answers all your questions
3 minutes readthere are many other great cameras out there, these where the ones that stood out to us.
7 minutes readdesigner li furtado shares her five-minute beauty routine and the secrets to try to having a skin positively glowing.
7 minutes readwe celebrate andreea ali's inspiring journey as one of the leading voices in the beauty world
3 minutes readthese five hidden gems offer more than just a bed, they're an experience in themselves
5 minutes reada must for anyone exploring coimbra's unique blend of history and student energy.
5 minutes readsince last year, spring summer is coming and my mind only put eyes in one kid of bag: the vanity bag. I can't take it of my mind
3 minutes readgoing to warsaw for my erasmus exchange was a total change. after nine years of this incredible experience, here's a quick summary of my top tips to make your stay...
4 minutes readat this shoot with mariana we present some options of styling with sade earrings and mini sade earrings
6 minutes readsomething that we have learn even from a brand perspective is that we have to encourage our customers the habits of buying in second-hand
6 minutes readparents often worry about their kids falling ill during trips. is this a common occurrence? there's a scientific explanation for it
12 minutes readfrom my favorite sunscreen to my must-have accessories and entertainment, here's a look inside my beach bag.
5 minutes readhowever, having a daughter who is a bouncy pinipon is changing something in me. my desire not to miss a moment of her time has made me get back on...
5 minuteshere's a fun summer questionnaire to help you find out what kind of summer person you are
7 minutes readif you're going on vacation and want to relax with your airpods, here are some suggestions
5 minutes readfor a jewelry lover, as soon as summer arrives it's inevitable to go back to 2015 and start layering
2 minutes readby keeping these tips (and a healthy dose of humor) in mind, you’ll be better prepared to survive and thrive in this new chapter of your life. welcome to the...
5 minutes read3 minutes in pinterest and I spot a new trend! the best is that this trend is perfect to minimalist or maximalist
4 minutes readdo you still remember the covers of these magazines? you probably do, some of them were controversial, others just perfectly captured the spirit of the times
7 minutes readaccessories give me the layer I need to keep me cool – and stylish (I think) – in the heat
6 minute readportugal, with its stunning coastline, rich history, and vibrant culture, offers some of the most idyllic vacation spots in europe. here’s a guide with some tips on places you really...
6 minutes readI'm on the hunt for the perfect shorts, and I've found 10 chic pairs that are must-haves for the season
4 minute readCINCO had the privilege of attending the aveiro edition this weekend, tasting the delicious dishes
4 minutes readwe've evolved and technology is everywhere in our lives
6 minute readthis is not a guide to LA - there’s still so much I want to explore - but this is almost everything I did on my last visit
7 minutes readif you stayed at home and need some inspiration, here are some of the most iconic looks
5 minutes readI will be talking about mobile phone photography, and mobile phone editing only, and the apps I use for this purposes
8 minute readluxury fashion brands are navigating a complex landscape in 2024, shaped by the aftershocks of the covid-19 pandemic and significant political and social shifts
8 minute readsummer is the season of sun, sand, sea and beach bags!
4 minutes readthe look that has been seen on every runway this year
4 minutes readeven if you are a non-tech person, here are our 5 top reasons to have one
6 minutes readcurly hair is a unique and versatile hair type that can range from loose waves to tight coils
10 minute readmystery books can be the perfect way to escape from reality while you're enjoying your vacation.
7 minutes readyou've got a simple dress hanging in your closet, waiting for its moment to shine. but how can you take it from everyday casual to party-ready fabulous?
4 minute readin the 90s, gwyneth was maybe one of the coolest women alive, and now maybe even all the vibes some people love to hate, I feel like she still knows...
3 minute readas a fashion editor, I’m often asked what my favourite type of apparel is and my unwavering response is dresses
8 minute readwe'll explore some timeless bridesmaid dress options and pair them with some jewelry pieces to create unforgettable looks
7 minute readfor me pendants have that magic, you can symbolize whatever you want. just go with the flow
3 minute readgood, i'm sure you've prepared yourself to show off all your skills! so it's time to select the jewelry that shows you mean business
4 minutes read"the world is a book and those who do not travel only read one page"
7 minutes readall in all, I think I could describe myself here a little bit like a blender, you know, because fashion and food come together in performing arts and I am...
9 minute readwie man der beste Gast ist
3 Minuten gelesenIch habe mich schon lange vor meinem Besuch auf der griechischen Insel in Tinos verliebt. Von diesem Tag an wusste ich, dass ich eines Tages Tinos besuchen würde.
Mit Greta Gerwigs mit Spannung erwartetem Film ist die Kampagne zur Vermarktung von Barbie seitdem nur noch lauter [und rosafarbener] geworden.
9 Minuten gelesen„Ich verliebe mich jedes Mal ein bisschen mehr in mich, wenn ich alleine reise, und ich liebe diese Version von mir selbst: unabhängig, praktisch, experimentell und letztendlich frei.“
8 Minuten gelesenDie Basics sind am zeitlosesten und die Must-Haves oft am erschwinglichsten. Deshalb haben wir ein paar Stücke aufgelistet, die wir nie verpassen
3 Minuten gelesenEs gibt viele hervorragende Möglichkeiten, die verpassten Shows nachzuholen. Wenn Sie ein paar Vorschläge brauchen, um Ihre Abende zu füllen, finden Sie hier einige.
8 Minuten gelesenEs gibt einige einfache Möglichkeiten, sich in der Sonne zu schützen, die Sie jedoch nicht davon abhalten, das sonnige Wetter in diesem Sommer zu nutzen. Hier sind unsere Tipps.
5 Minuten gelesenWir wissen bereits, dass die Fluggesellschaften uns nicht viel mitnehmen lassen und keiner von uns außerhalb des Flugzeugs wie eine Michelin-Puppe aussehen möchte. Hier sind unsere Tipps.
3 Minuten gelesenit's normal to feel committed to your favorite lipstick shade, but here's our experts recommendation.
6 Minuten gelesenWährend unseres Urlaubs hatten wir ein wenig Zeit, Andreea Ali ein paar Fragen zu Schönheitsprodukten zu stellen. Hier sind Andreeas Tipps!
6 Minuten gelesen